Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pure Relaxation

Tons of fun awaits me in the state of Michigan...
Yeah, I just got a cabin up in Michigan near a chain of lakes, all connected together, along with a pontoon boat (for my entire family to ride on) and a fishing boat (all for me). THIS... IS GOING TO BE.... MY BEST SUMMER EVAR!! Only about my 8 more weeks of school and I will be free to do everything I want to in Michigan, and hang out with my buddeh Hunter. :D CANT WAIT! I can just imagine it now: Hunter, Braiden, Me, all out on the chain of lakes, boating in the hidden rivers that the pontoon boat can't fit in. We'd be the boating ninjas of the lakes. LOL! I also plan to bring my Xbox up there, so I'll have another little entertaining thing for my cousins. :D

I also had a few things happen down in Texas. First, the movies (here we go again). The Watchmen will be the only one I'm talkin about for now. It was awesome. It was more of a serious superhero movie than anything else, not like these Spiderman and Batman movies most of us usually see. I never have read the Watchmen comics before, but even if I haven't, the movie at least still caught my interest. I do have to say one thing though: Dr. Manhattan needed some pants. XD Despite that, good movie.

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